Dear Subgenius leader,


"Kill Ugly Radio" Frank Zappa once said and kill it we must! To kill the "ugly" radio will must find "beauty" to take it's place. Thus, such imperfect beauty can be found at the URL:

(Censored for privacy reasons... and because it was shut down by The Con.)

Home Of "The Scritchy & Scratchy Show"

This is a free-form (But with a theme) all-vinyl (almost) available in Real Audio. Worlds of music you did not think possible exist in the dust piles of records and have been resurrected for your convenience and pleasure!

Please take a listen. If you have a web page link to us and we will gladly return the link.

Thank You,




If you value the freedom of your soul, you will link your web page to me regardless of if I return the link. In fact, you will link subgenius.com to ALL your web pages in a futile attempt to save your life on X-day. Unfortunately, I cannot promise that it will have the desired effect on any of the above, but I can promise this: You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying.

Yours in Bob,

Papa Joe Mama

PS. Scrichy sucks. Scratchy rules.