It's amazing how similar things were with liberals before the "Red Scare" and the way they are today. Check out this sample from the beginning of Chapter 2 in Payne's book (page 15):


"Even a majority enjoys no real immunity from the modern forms of psychological warfare which governments use to coerce consent. Nowadays large majorities can be manipulated by carefully timed headlines, revelations, and a thoroughly unscrupulous exploitation of the silence and secrecy surrounding many phases of government," wrote Carey McWilliams in his book, Witch Hunt. There was a time in America when Communism was portrayed as an idealistic form of liberalism. Some even characterized it as 20th Century Americanism. But the real secrets of communism were not known until Cvetic and others like him began telling their stories in public.

Cvetic's message was, in a nutshell, that with the Communists, the ends justifies the means. In this mindset, it was perfectly fine to lie, cheat, steal, harm, kill, spy, or do whatever it required to reach the goal of communism. This was a far different view of communism that was being fostered in the liberal media where the CP was seen as a political party with great egalitarian ideals.

In honest retrospect, what were the Hollywood Ten fighting for? Was it really racial equality? None of them moved into ghettos. Was it working for a new redistribution of the wealth? Did it really want the workers to take over? Not hardly. These people were driving the latest model convertibles, living in lavish Beverly Hills homes and catering parties that cost more in one day than a worker made in a year? All in all, as a group, they had no distaste for living as high as possible.

Sounds alot like the Hollywood liberals of today, doesn't it? Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Barbera Streisand, etc, they all urge others to elect leftist leaders who will redistribute the wealth, but you never see the rich Hollywood libs redistribute their own vast wealth, do you? They complain about everyone else being racists, yet they live in the most exclusive neighborhoods in the world (Beverly Hills)! They tell us we shouldn't waste energy, yet they drive luxery SUVs, fly private jets, and live in mansions with thousands of extra square feet. So its do as they say, but not do as they do. Just as the above passage about the 1950s reveals, the more things change, the more they remain the same!

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